We are the Arizona Region of the National Shoot to Retrieve Association (NSTRA). We endeavor to have monthly field trials for pointing dogs, generally in Northern Arizona near Flagstaff during the summer months and in Southern Arizona near Sonoita during winter months. We are fortunate here in Arizona to have the varying climates of warm winters in the south and cool summers in the high northern elevations so we can trial our dogs all year long. We are a Regional club of the National NSTRA organization, which provides standardized rules for running field trials and the judging standards used by all regions across the country, which makes it possible for all the Regions to compete fairly and be awarded nationally recognized championships for our pointing dogs. An added benefit to our winter trials is that they occur very near some of the best quail hunting country in Arizona, in particular for the Arizona Mearns quail so members can not only run in competition, they can also get in some wild bird hunting on the same trip.
Our National organization, the National Shoot To Retrieve Association (NSTRA) was founded by a group of dedicated bird hunters looking for a way to extend the fun they enjoyed with their bird dogs after their season ended. Field Trials, under hunting conditions, were the answer. Field Trials provide an extended the season, a sportsmanlike environment and competition with others who enjoy bird dogs.
The National NSTRA Association was incorporated in 1978. NSTRA is a non-profit association with service to the members and sportsmanship as its goals.
Check out the Trial Information link (above) to see what is planned for our future trials and come on out and see what it is all about!
The National NSTRA Association was incorporated in 1978. NSTRA is a non-profit association with service to the members and sportsmanship as its goals.
Check out the Trial Information link (above) to see what is planned for our future trials and come on out and see what it is all about!