Arizona Region National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, INC.
Revised July 21, 2018
Article I
Section I
The purpose of the Arizona Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. (Region) (Arizona Region) shall be to:
A. Promote the conservation of game through the use of trained hunting dogs
B. Extend the enjoyment for the upland bird hunter and his dog through organized field trial competition under the guidance and rules of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association Inc. (NSTRA)
C. Serve as a Region in the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association Inc.
D. Establish and regulate standards for Shoot-to-Retrieve field trials within the region in accordance with National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. standard and rules
E. Promote fellowship and goodwill among the membership
F. Above all, promote good sportsmanship
Article II
Membership Requirements
Section I
Membership in the Arizona Region shall consist of members who subscribe to and fully support the objectives and goals as set forth in the Arizona Region by-laws, and the field trial rules and guideline governing recognized field trials as determined by the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
Section II
Any member proven to be guilty of practicing or using unfair or dishonest methods of entering, or handling in any recognized competition, who knowingly commits an intentional act which shall tend to injure the honest character or reputation of a fellow member of the Arizona Region, or disturbs the harmony or function of the Arizona Region Association, shall be expelled from NSTRA in accordance with rules and procedures of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association Inc.
Section III
The dogs owned by any member barred from participation in NSTRA recognized field trials shall also be barred for a period of time corresponding to the dates of the member expulsion.
Section IV
A person must be a current member in good standing of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. in order to judge a NSTRA recognized field trial, to be a marshal, to enter a dog in a trial, to handle or gun in a trial, or to be a chairman of a recognized NSTRA field trial.
Article III
Section I
General membership meetings shall be scheduled as determined by the officers and board of directors, these meetings can be conducted by electronic media, conference calls, etc. These meetings do not have to be conducted in a face to face format, however face to face is the preferred format.
Section II
The annual business meeting including the installation of new officers and board directors of the Arizona Region shall be held on the evening of the Regional Championship
Section III
Except as where otherwise noted, decisions at all general membership meetings shall be determined by a vote of the majority of members present
Section IV
Meetings of the officers and board of directors shall be scheduled as determined by the officers and board of directors
Section V
Except as otherwise noted in these bylaws, all meetings are conducted in accordance with "Roberts Rules of Order".
Article IV
Section I
The annual of lifetime membership fee paid to the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. ensures membership in the Arizona Region, but is subject to complying with Duties of Members requirements (Article VI).
Section II
Field trial entry fees shall be required for each recognized field trial. The amount shall be determined by the Board of Director.
Section III
An assessment fee per entry, in a trial is payable to the region. The amount shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE: Proof of insurance, either commercial or a letter of self-insurance shall be provided to AZ NSTRA prior to the trial draw. This insurance shall provide for a minimum limit of $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for liability and property coverage. Any commercial insurance certificates shall list AZ NSTRA as an additional insured. Trial Sponsor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless AZ NSTRA and its members from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs or expenses (herein referred to as “claims”) arising out of bodily injury or any person (including death) or property damage but only to the extent that such claims are caused by the act, omission, negligence, misconduct or other fault of the indemnitor, its officers, agents, employees, or volunteers.
Section IV
Finances for the Regional Elimination trial and any other Regional sponsored trials and events shall be managed by the officers and board of directors
Article V
Election of officers and Directors
Section I
A. The President, with the approval of the majority of the board of directors, shall appoint a committee of three members to serve as a nominating committee, approximately 60 days prior to the annual meeting and election of officers and directors
B. The nominating committee shall locate at least one candidate for each of the officers to be filled at the annual election of officers and directors.
C. E-mail notification of Ballots will be sent to all members approximately thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting – an electronic method of voting approved by the Board will be described so members may vote electronically. This may include e-mail or a secure, private website poll or similar method.
D. Ballots will NOT be mailed by U.S. Postage to any member prior to the annual business meeting except that any member requesting a paper ballot shall send a self-addressed, postage paid envelope to the Region Secretary approximately 30 days prior to the vote and request a paper ballot. Members are responsible for knowing and understanding this requirement. Paper Ballots must be returned to the Secretary of the Region FIVE (5) days prior to the annual meeting.
E. For elections purposes telephonic, text or Proxy votes shall not be permitted.
F. In the event of an urgent situation, such as no nomination received for a position or the sudden withdrawal from consideration of the only member nominated for a position, after approval by the members present at the annual meeting conducted by a motion and a second, a member(s) may nominate candidate(s) for the vacant position at the annual business meeting prior to the tallying of the votes. The nominated member must be present and/or known to be willing to serve. All the members present at the meeting may vote for the new nominee(s).
G. Members may choose to vote in person, using a paper ballot, at the annual business meeting if they have not previously voted.
H. That person who receives the majority votes cast by members shall be elected. Ties will be determined by the flip of the coin.
I. Write in candidates will be accepted
J. Term of office shall be one (1) year, commencing upon announcement of the election results, and ending upon announcement of successor at the following year's election.
Article VI
Duties of members
Section I
Club Duties: Membership in the Region is a privilege and all members should promote the harmony and function of our Region by participating to some extent in all trial activities including Field set-up, Field tear-down, performing trial duties at the blind, assisting the Field Marshal and trial Chairman, keeping water barrels full, assisting with preparing meals, setting up & taking down tables/canopies and the other general needs of our Club. Please volunteer to assist and don’t wait until asked to help. Every one of our members can contribute something to help our trials run smoothly. Members are encouraged to contact the trial chair and/or co-chair to learn how they can assist and it is very helpful to volunteer at the time you enter your dog(s) for the trial. Members who continuously avoid assisting at trials may be evaluated by the Board for disrupting the harmony and function of our Region.
A. It is the responsibility of each member to notify the Region Secretary of any changes of e-mail address, home address, phone number, etc.
B. Attend Regional business meetings and elections
C. Participate in field trials and other activities
D. Serve on committees as requested
E. Support the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
F. Promote National Shoot-to-Retrieve trials in their area.
G. Members are expected to volunteer to chair or co-chair trials and judge occasionally (if certified) during the year.
H. New Members – are entitled to and are encouraged to use the Mentor program as outlined in NSTRA rules. Contact the trial chairman or Region President for additional information BEFORE the trial begins.
Article VII
Duties of Officers and Directors
Section I - Duties of President
A. Preside at all meetings for region and Board of Directors
B. Submit an annual financial statement to the National Shoot-to-Retrieve to comply with National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. requirements
C. Serve as a director of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve, Inc. and attend and represent the Region at meetings of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
D. When unable to attend meetings of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. the president shall, with the approval of the board of directors, appoint an alternate director in accordance with the rules of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
E. Submit all Regional Elimination Trial results to the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc in accordance with NSTRA requirements
Section II - Duties of the Vice President
A. The vice-president shall assume duties of the president in his/her absence
B. Perform special duties as assigned by the president
Section III - Duties of the Secretary
A. Keep minutes of the meetings
B. Maintain a Regional membership roster that includes the address and phone numbers of each member
C. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice President
D. Maintain necessary and appropriate files of the current information as well as the historical reference.
Section IV - Duties of the Treasurer
A. Receive and deposit all receipts of the Region
B. Keep an itemized record of all receipts and expenditures
C. Report on financial matters at regional meetings
D. Provide the president with an annual financial statement at least ten days (10) before the annual membership meeting
Section V - Duties of board members
A. The board of directors shall consist of eight (8) Regional members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President and three (3) at large directors
B. A minimum of five (5) board members shall be present to constitute a quorum
C. Members of the Board of Directors shall assist the officers in the operation and management of the Regional Association
D. Attend board meetings
E. The President may poll the Board of Directors by phone or by email.
Article VIII
Duties of the Field Trial Chairman
Section I
A. Conduct trial drawing in accordance with the rules of NSTRA
B. Ensure trial is conducted in accordance with Regional standards and NSTRA rules.
C. Submit trial results in accordance with NSTRA requirements.
D. Submit copy of trial results and score cards to Regional President following the trial. Trial results are to be posted online through the National computer system within 10 days of the trial. It is recommended that entry fees obtained be deposited directly to the Arizona Region bank account, if possible. If not, mail the funds to the Treasurer or deliver in person and it is recommended that only checks be delivered - cash should be tallied and a personal check written and sent in. A Profit/Loss spreadsheet shall be completed for each trial and a copy submitted to both the President and the Treasurer.
E. Any other functions required ensuring a safe and successful trial
F. Ascertain; Judges, Field Marshall, Horses, Birdplanter, Birds, Lunches, J-Johns, Water for Horses & the field
G. Set up field boundaries, ensuring fields are set up in a manner that birds will be taken out every brace
H. Ensure the field boundaries comply with NSTRA rules for a sanctioned trial.
Article IX
Field trial schedule
Section I Presidents Responsibility
A. The president will be responsible for maintaining the Region field trial schedule. The President will provide the National organization with spring and fall schedules in accordance with established NSTRA policy and deadlines. The preparation of the fall schedule will be the responsibility of the newly elected president each year.
B. Additional trials may be added, and scheduled trials changed by approval of the president with the concurrence of a majority of the Region Board of Directors. Only one trial may be scheduled for any single day, unless they are on the same grounds (double, endurance,etc.)
C. Open/Novice trials should be seriously considered to provide an additional venue for new members. Open/Novice trials are limited to two (2) in the spring time and two (2) in the Fall.
Article X
Section I
A. The officers and Board of Directors shall provide assistance to the Region's members and shall be the first point of contact for questions, comments or complaints.
B. The Region shall vote at the annual meeting whether or not it wishes to use the high point system for determining the Arizona Regions representation at the National Invitational Dog of the year trial. Should high point system be used it will be used in compliance with established guidelines of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
C. The Region's high point dog shall be presented with an appropriate trophy to recognize the accomplishment of the dog and a check from the Region for $100 towards the purchase of their own commemorative buckle, jacket, etc.
D. The Officers and Directors shall receive and decide on grievances and protests. Most concerns can be resolved by calm discussion without escalating to the level of a written grievance or protest. Members must follow the NSTRA rules on grievances and must submit all grievances through the proper channels (our Region) prior to contacting the National Office. All official protests at trials shall be submitted in writing and shall specify the rule number they allege was violated - any protest not specifying the rule number violated will be returned unanswered until the protest contains this required information. Rule books and protest forms will be provided upon request. Members are encouraged to contact their officially assigned Region National Officer when they have questions that are not answered by their Region officers.
E. The Regional Officers shall turn over complete records pertaining to their office to succeeding officers within 30 days of the election each year
Article XI
Region Elimination Trial
Section I
A. The annual Regional Championship Trial will be determined by majority vote of Board and Officers. It will be the duty of the Board of Directors to locate suitable grounds within these designated areas. The selected site shall not be changed except in extraordinary circumstances and then only by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors.
Section II - Date
A. The Board of Directors will determine the date of the Regional Championship Trial, a minimum of four (4) weeks’ notice shall be provided to all Region members of the date and location of the Regional Championship Trial. This minimum applies to re-schedule Regional Championship Trial, should it become necessary to alter the original date. All dates will be determined by a discussion among the Board of Directors and the approval of the majority. Date will comply with requirements of the National Organization (Currently minimum of 45 days prior to the dog of the year trial)
Section III - Personnel
A. The President, who will act as trial chairman will make recommendation for the judges, bird handler and field marshal of the Regional Championship Trial which shall be approved by a vote of the majority of all members of the Board of Directors. When possible the Region will use highly capable and respected judges from outside the Region. The field trial committee will consist of the entire Board of Directors, regardless of location.
Section IV - Finances
A. The Arizona Region will run the Regional Championship Trial and any profit or expense related thereto will accrue to the region. The Region will host a trial (single or double) on the day following the regional championship trial. The Board of Directors will serve as the field trial committee and will manage this trial, with the President acting as the chairman. Finances for this trial will accrue to the Region. Consideration should be given to running a novice or limited trial on this date.
Article XII
Field Trials
Section I
A. All field trials in the Arizona Region will be run in compliance with the rules of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
Section II
Article XIII
Section I
B. The President and Board of Directors are permitted to decide by majority of Board votes if they should schedule an additional off-cycle vote to amend the by-laws. This should be avoided whenever possible to maintain consistency throughout the year; serious consideration should be given to the urgency to conduct this vote and unless truly urgent, it should be put off until the annual meeting instead for member discussion.
Major changes to By-Laws should be considered for this off-cycle process where substantial numbers of changes are made. This allows for a method of submitting the changes to members in writing for deeper consideration and evaluation. In this case, the President and Board will determine how the vote will be taken.
Revised July 21, 2018
Article I
Section I
The purpose of the Arizona Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. (Region) (Arizona Region) shall be to:
A. Promote the conservation of game through the use of trained hunting dogs
B. Extend the enjoyment for the upland bird hunter and his dog through organized field trial competition under the guidance and rules of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association Inc. (NSTRA)
C. Serve as a Region in the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association Inc.
D. Establish and regulate standards for Shoot-to-Retrieve field trials within the region in accordance with National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. standard and rules
E. Promote fellowship and goodwill among the membership
F. Above all, promote good sportsmanship
Article II
Membership Requirements
Section I
Membership in the Arizona Region shall consist of members who subscribe to and fully support the objectives and goals as set forth in the Arizona Region by-laws, and the field trial rules and guideline governing recognized field trials as determined by the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
Section II
Any member proven to be guilty of practicing or using unfair or dishonest methods of entering, or handling in any recognized competition, who knowingly commits an intentional act which shall tend to injure the honest character or reputation of a fellow member of the Arizona Region, or disturbs the harmony or function of the Arizona Region Association, shall be expelled from NSTRA in accordance with rules and procedures of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association Inc.
Section III
The dogs owned by any member barred from participation in NSTRA recognized field trials shall also be barred for a period of time corresponding to the dates of the member expulsion.
Section IV
A person must be a current member in good standing of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. in order to judge a NSTRA recognized field trial, to be a marshal, to enter a dog in a trial, to handle or gun in a trial, or to be a chairman of a recognized NSTRA field trial.
Article III
Section I
General membership meetings shall be scheduled as determined by the officers and board of directors, these meetings can be conducted by electronic media, conference calls, etc. These meetings do not have to be conducted in a face to face format, however face to face is the preferred format.
Section II
The annual business meeting including the installation of new officers and board directors of the Arizona Region shall be held on the evening of the Regional Championship
Section III
Except as where otherwise noted, decisions at all general membership meetings shall be determined by a vote of the majority of members present
Section IV
Meetings of the officers and board of directors shall be scheduled as determined by the officers and board of directors
Section V
Except as otherwise noted in these bylaws, all meetings are conducted in accordance with "Roberts Rules of Order".
Article IV
Section I
The annual of lifetime membership fee paid to the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. ensures membership in the Arizona Region, but is subject to complying with Duties of Members requirements (Article VI).
Section II
Field trial entry fees shall be required for each recognized field trial. The amount shall be determined by the Board of Director.
Section III
An assessment fee per entry, in a trial is payable to the region. The amount shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE: Proof of insurance, either commercial or a letter of self-insurance shall be provided to AZ NSTRA prior to the trial draw. This insurance shall provide for a minimum limit of $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for liability and property coverage. Any commercial insurance certificates shall list AZ NSTRA as an additional insured. Trial Sponsor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless AZ NSTRA and its members from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs or expenses (herein referred to as “claims”) arising out of bodily injury or any person (including death) or property damage but only to the extent that such claims are caused by the act, omission, negligence, misconduct or other fault of the indemnitor, its officers, agents, employees, or volunteers.
Section IV
Finances for the Regional Elimination trial and any other Regional sponsored trials and events shall be managed by the officers and board of directors
Article V
Election of officers and Directors
Section I
A. The President, with the approval of the majority of the board of directors, shall appoint a committee of three members to serve as a nominating committee, approximately 60 days prior to the annual meeting and election of officers and directors
B. The nominating committee shall locate at least one candidate for each of the officers to be filled at the annual election of officers and directors.
C. E-mail notification of Ballots will be sent to all members approximately thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting – an electronic method of voting approved by the Board will be described so members may vote electronically. This may include e-mail or a secure, private website poll or similar method.
D. Ballots will NOT be mailed by U.S. Postage to any member prior to the annual business meeting except that any member requesting a paper ballot shall send a self-addressed, postage paid envelope to the Region Secretary approximately 30 days prior to the vote and request a paper ballot. Members are responsible for knowing and understanding this requirement. Paper Ballots must be returned to the Secretary of the Region FIVE (5) days prior to the annual meeting.
E. For elections purposes telephonic, text or Proxy votes shall not be permitted.
F. In the event of an urgent situation, such as no nomination received for a position or the sudden withdrawal from consideration of the only member nominated for a position, after approval by the members present at the annual meeting conducted by a motion and a second, a member(s) may nominate candidate(s) for the vacant position at the annual business meeting prior to the tallying of the votes. The nominated member must be present and/or known to be willing to serve. All the members present at the meeting may vote for the new nominee(s).
G. Members may choose to vote in person, using a paper ballot, at the annual business meeting if they have not previously voted.
H. That person who receives the majority votes cast by members shall be elected. Ties will be determined by the flip of the coin.
I. Write in candidates will be accepted
J. Term of office shall be one (1) year, commencing upon announcement of the election results, and ending upon announcement of successor at the following year's election.
Article VI
Duties of members
Section I
Club Duties: Membership in the Region is a privilege and all members should promote the harmony and function of our Region by participating to some extent in all trial activities including Field set-up, Field tear-down, performing trial duties at the blind, assisting the Field Marshal and trial Chairman, keeping water barrels full, assisting with preparing meals, setting up & taking down tables/canopies and the other general needs of our Club. Please volunteer to assist and don’t wait until asked to help. Every one of our members can contribute something to help our trials run smoothly. Members are encouraged to contact the trial chair and/or co-chair to learn how they can assist and it is very helpful to volunteer at the time you enter your dog(s) for the trial. Members who continuously avoid assisting at trials may be evaluated by the Board for disrupting the harmony and function of our Region.
A. It is the responsibility of each member to notify the Region Secretary of any changes of e-mail address, home address, phone number, etc.
B. Attend Regional business meetings and elections
C. Participate in field trials and other activities
D. Serve on committees as requested
E. Support the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
F. Promote National Shoot-to-Retrieve trials in their area.
G. Members are expected to volunteer to chair or co-chair trials and judge occasionally (if certified) during the year.
H. New Members – are entitled to and are encouraged to use the Mentor program as outlined in NSTRA rules. Contact the trial chairman or Region President for additional information BEFORE the trial begins.
Article VII
Duties of Officers and Directors
Section I - Duties of President
A. Preside at all meetings for region and Board of Directors
B. Submit an annual financial statement to the National Shoot-to-Retrieve to comply with National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. requirements
C. Serve as a director of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve, Inc. and attend and represent the Region at meetings of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
D. When unable to attend meetings of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc. the president shall, with the approval of the board of directors, appoint an alternate director in accordance with the rules of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
E. Submit all Regional Elimination Trial results to the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc in accordance with NSTRA requirements
Section II - Duties of the Vice President
A. The vice-president shall assume duties of the president in his/her absence
B. Perform special duties as assigned by the president
Section III - Duties of the Secretary
A. Keep minutes of the meetings
B. Maintain a Regional membership roster that includes the address and phone numbers of each member
C. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice President
D. Maintain necessary and appropriate files of the current information as well as the historical reference.
Section IV - Duties of the Treasurer
A. Receive and deposit all receipts of the Region
B. Keep an itemized record of all receipts and expenditures
C. Report on financial matters at regional meetings
D. Provide the president with an annual financial statement at least ten days (10) before the annual membership meeting
Section V - Duties of board members
A. The board of directors shall consist of eight (8) Regional members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President and three (3) at large directors
B. A minimum of five (5) board members shall be present to constitute a quorum
C. Members of the Board of Directors shall assist the officers in the operation and management of the Regional Association
D. Attend board meetings
E. The President may poll the Board of Directors by phone or by email.
Article VIII
Duties of the Field Trial Chairman
Section I
A. Conduct trial drawing in accordance with the rules of NSTRA
B. Ensure trial is conducted in accordance with Regional standards and NSTRA rules.
C. Submit trial results in accordance with NSTRA requirements.
D. Submit copy of trial results and score cards to Regional President following the trial. Trial results are to be posted online through the National computer system within 10 days of the trial. It is recommended that entry fees obtained be deposited directly to the Arizona Region bank account, if possible. If not, mail the funds to the Treasurer or deliver in person and it is recommended that only checks be delivered - cash should be tallied and a personal check written and sent in. A Profit/Loss spreadsheet shall be completed for each trial and a copy submitted to both the President and the Treasurer.
E. Any other functions required ensuring a safe and successful trial
F. Ascertain; Judges, Field Marshall, Horses, Birdplanter, Birds, Lunches, J-Johns, Water for Horses & the field
G. Set up field boundaries, ensuring fields are set up in a manner that birds will be taken out every brace
H. Ensure the field boundaries comply with NSTRA rules for a sanctioned trial.
Article IX
Field trial schedule
Section I Presidents Responsibility
A. The president will be responsible for maintaining the Region field trial schedule. The President will provide the National organization with spring and fall schedules in accordance with established NSTRA policy and deadlines. The preparation of the fall schedule will be the responsibility of the newly elected president each year.
B. Additional trials may be added, and scheduled trials changed by approval of the president with the concurrence of a majority of the Region Board of Directors. Only one trial may be scheduled for any single day, unless they are on the same grounds (double, endurance,etc.)
C. Open/Novice trials should be seriously considered to provide an additional venue for new members. Open/Novice trials are limited to two (2) in the spring time and two (2) in the Fall.
Article X
Section I
A. The officers and Board of Directors shall provide assistance to the Region's members and shall be the first point of contact for questions, comments or complaints.
B. The Region shall vote at the annual meeting whether or not it wishes to use the high point system for determining the Arizona Regions representation at the National Invitational Dog of the year trial. Should high point system be used it will be used in compliance with established guidelines of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
C. The Region's high point dog shall be presented with an appropriate trophy to recognize the accomplishment of the dog and a check from the Region for $100 towards the purchase of their own commemorative buckle, jacket, etc.
D. The Officers and Directors shall receive and decide on grievances and protests. Most concerns can be resolved by calm discussion without escalating to the level of a written grievance or protest. Members must follow the NSTRA rules on grievances and must submit all grievances through the proper channels (our Region) prior to contacting the National Office. All official protests at trials shall be submitted in writing and shall specify the rule number they allege was violated - any protest not specifying the rule number violated will be returned unanswered until the protest contains this required information. Rule books and protest forms will be provided upon request. Members are encouraged to contact their officially assigned Region National Officer when they have questions that are not answered by their Region officers.
E. The Regional Officers shall turn over complete records pertaining to their office to succeeding officers within 30 days of the election each year
Article XI
Region Elimination Trial
Section I
A. The annual Regional Championship Trial will be determined by majority vote of Board and Officers. It will be the duty of the Board of Directors to locate suitable grounds within these designated areas. The selected site shall not be changed except in extraordinary circumstances and then only by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors.
Section II - Date
A. The Board of Directors will determine the date of the Regional Championship Trial, a minimum of four (4) weeks’ notice shall be provided to all Region members of the date and location of the Regional Championship Trial. This minimum applies to re-schedule Regional Championship Trial, should it become necessary to alter the original date. All dates will be determined by a discussion among the Board of Directors and the approval of the majority. Date will comply with requirements of the National Organization (Currently minimum of 45 days prior to the dog of the year trial)
Section III - Personnel
A. The President, who will act as trial chairman will make recommendation for the judges, bird handler and field marshal of the Regional Championship Trial which shall be approved by a vote of the majority of all members of the Board of Directors. When possible the Region will use highly capable and respected judges from outside the Region. The field trial committee will consist of the entire Board of Directors, regardless of location.
Section IV - Finances
A. The Arizona Region will run the Regional Championship Trial and any profit or expense related thereto will accrue to the region. The Region will host a trial (single or double) on the day following the regional championship trial. The Board of Directors will serve as the field trial committee and will manage this trial, with the President acting as the chairman. Finances for this trial will accrue to the Region. Consideration should be given to running a novice or limited trial on this date.
Article XII
Field Trials
Section I
A. All field trials in the Arizona Region will be run in compliance with the rules of the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Association, Inc.
Section II
- All field trial grounds in the Region must be approved by the Region Board of Directors.
Article XIII
Section I
- The Arizona by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at the annual meeting of the Arizona Region.
B. The President and Board of Directors are permitted to decide by majority of Board votes if they should schedule an additional off-cycle vote to amend the by-laws. This should be avoided whenever possible to maintain consistency throughout the year; serious consideration should be given to the urgency to conduct this vote and unless truly urgent, it should be put off until the annual meeting instead for member discussion.
Major changes to By-Laws should be considered for this off-cycle process where substantial numbers of changes are made. This allows for a method of submitting the changes to members in writing for deeper consideration and evaluation. In this case, the President and Board will determine how the vote will be taken.