Note: The new NSTRA website is now active. If you have not already PLEASE register on the site.
National Office website at
National Office website at
All trial draws will now be viewable on the NSTRA.ORG website as soon as the computer draws it. Instructions for finding it are listed below:
Navigate to Click on Records then click on Field Records
DO NOT have to log in to do this!
Click on the Region, choose AZ and enter dates into the two fields for the trials.
From Date 10-14-2017
To Date 10-15-2017
Then click on the Search Button
From Date 10-14-2017
To Date 10-15-2017
Then click on the Search Button
TIP: Choose Dates a couple days before the Trial and after the trial or just choose the whole month.
You will see a Trial name, click on that Trial Name. >>>
Click on SHOW BRACES >>>
Then Click on the Fields in turn to see the draws for each Field. Shown is A Field on 10/14/2017
You can print the draws out using your computer system if you want.