Online Trial Entry Fee Payment Portal
This method of payment is provided for YOUR convenience. From here you may use a Credit Card or PayPal to pay for your trial entries. You may pay and then PRINT A RECIEPT that YOU deliver to the trial chairman at the trial to show you have made payment for your braces. Once payment is made THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS made, even if you must miss the trial for any reason. If you make payment then miss the trial you MAY NOT carry forward your payment to another trial. You must pay again for any future trial. Please verify that you have paid the proper amount, if short you will be required to pay the extra at the trial and if over, there will be no refund given.
The PayPal/Credit Card companies charge a fee for their service, and you must pay that fee. The fee is $2.00, which is added to, and included, in your payment, typically making each brace cost $47 each, instead of $45.
NOTE: This is only a payment portal. It DOES NOT sign you up for the trial! You MUST contact the trial chairman BEFORE paying and confirm you are entering the trial and inform him of your dogs names, number of braces running, etc.
Trial Entry Fee / Per Brace